Have you ever had a goal you set out to accomplish and then you didn’t? Yeah – tell me about it. I have been a cereal goal setter. I set a goal, time goes by, I mess up and I change the goal or just give it up all together. Excuse after excuse. I looked, found a new method – tried it out and repeated this process countless times. When I look back year after year, the changes that I set out to accomplish were non-existent and sometimes I was further away from my goals than when I started. So frustrating!
There are many recurring themes of individuals who have overcame extremely hard feats - the common denominator? Feeling the Why and ultimately being accountable to something or someone. Knowing the reason why you are doing something makes sense right? Usually this is why we start to tackle change in the first place. More times than not, the adversity of change or the repetitions of consistent action to do what it takes to accomplish your goal becomes too hard and your why dwindles away.
So, when your WHY NOT becomes greater than your why, you STOP! What do “Why nots” looks like? Pain, Tiredness, Being Hungry, or the common one of "I don't have the time".
So after failing over and over I was determined to find the solution for myself. The Why I had, did not keep me on track and I have seen this happen repeatedly with people I love and care about as well. You need more whys and have accountability to someone or something.
This brought me to create My Life of 7 Goals.
I believe that having one goal is not enough. Well, you may say, “Well Austin, if I can’t keep one goal how can I keep 7?!” Touche; however, you couldn’t keep your one anyway, so hear me out - I believe having one goal is detrimental. Its all or nothing. Usually this leads to failure, disappointment, the feeling of not being good enough and the list goes on. So, if you have a tough time keeping your goals and then you happen to accomplish one, odds are you lowered your standard for yourself, so the bar was so low that it was easy to accomplish it. Goals obtained the easy way do not build the resilience needed to continue your pursuit of accomplishments. Hard earned goals are what keep you going, feeling proud (as you should) and allowing you to continually progress throughout your life!
My Life of 7 Goals was founded from the premise above. If you are like me, your aspirations are very large, but the track record you have built for yourself has convinced you “Can’t” for a multitude of reasons. With My Life of 7 Goals, my hope is that this will allow you to build a life of the continual pursuit of accomplishments and not a one and done. We are doing this together and I am proud of you for joining me in taking the step to build a life of intentionality for the continual pursuit of accomplishments!
This is a passion project that is helping me along the way of my own journey, and I wanted to share it with others to hold myself accountable and give you the tools to join me if you see this to be a good fit for you.
Stayed disciplined.